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Take The Wolf Pledge | Don't Text and Drive
Take The Wolf Pledge to NOT Text and Drive!
Fill out the form below to take The Wolf Pledge to not text and drive.  Put down the phone, and let's pledge to have a safer class of 2013.  Remember, it can wait.
General Information
Which High School do you attend? 
  Enter the name of your high school, so we can tabulate how many people from your school took the pledge!  If you are no longer in school, and wish to add your child's school, feel free to, otherwise, leave this field blank.
Please verify you are not a robot.

By submitting the form you are confirming you are at least 13 years of age and have read and agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.

Double check to make sure your information is correct and then hit submit below.

Take The Wolf Pledge | Don't Text and Drive

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